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the challenge

Zevia, the makers of zero-sugar, zero-calorie soda, teas and energy drinks, wanted to make a big splash in the crowded beverage category with its tiniest can yet: new Zevia Kidz sparkling drink.

the solution

Go straight to the experts—kids!—for an authentic review of this new kind of sip. From describing what the flavors taste like to what the slightly fizzy carbonation felt like, they were the exact authority we needed to credibly bring this new beverage to market.


Eight parched little critics cracked open a can of Zevia Kidz to give it to us straight: what is Zevia Kidz actually like? Their reviews were adorably helpful-ish.

Media Kits

We invited a few grown-ups to the Zevia Kidz party by sending a fun sampler pack to key media contacts and influencers. Inside recipients found a set of custom coasters where they could absorb all of the details around this new beverage offering from Zevia.

Campaign Landing Page

All campaign elements drove to a Zevia Kidz landing page with details on each flavor and reviews by the kiddos, along with other important details, like how a delicious zero-sugar, zero-calorie beverage is even possible (hint: stevia!).

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The voices of our budding reviewers made their way to radio too, bringing a little bit of effervescence to the airwaves.



My role: Creative Director

Design + Art Direction: Aaron DeYoe

Copy: April Smasal