
the challenge

For decades, Big Tobacco has been hard at work to hook Minnesotans on nicotine. Unfortunately, they’ve been wildly successful. With the sunsetting of ClearWay Minnesota (a time-limited, non-profit founded by the landmark 1998 tobacco settlement between Minnesota and the tobacco industry)—which offered free support to help Minnesotans quit—the Minnesota Department of Health was determined to fill the gap. They created a new, free way to help Minnesotans quit smoking, vaping and chewing.

the solution

Develop a new empathetic, encouraging and optimistic brand that recognizes the strength and determination it takes for someone to quit nicotine.


To introduce Minnesotans to Quit Partner, we created the “Your Way” campaign, highlighting the quit journeys of six characters based on the focus audiences. Given the production constraints of the pandemic, we leaned into illustrated elements over imagery that evoked a specific sense of place and deeper backstory for each character.


Radio spots for the “Your Way” campaign featured the quit journeys of Chue and Adele. Special care was taken during casting to find talent that authentically represented each focus community. Along with highlighting each character’s unique reason for trying to quit nicotine, each spot also featured a unique form of free quit support.

Community Print

From The Circle to Vida y Sabor and more, we created population-specific creative for each community outlet in which print for the Quit Partner launch campaign ran, translating pieces based on the advice of each individual outlet.


Delivering on the promise of free help to quit your way, helps all Minnesotans easily navigate its 100% free offerings. The experience is available in four different languages to better connect with our focus audiences.



My role: Creative Director + Writer

Design & Art Direction: Jen Trotter, Zach Keenan

Illustration: Jen Trotter