the challenge

While Prairie Organic Spirits was the first organic spirit to market about a decade ago, many competitors have since joined them at shelf.

the solution

Lean into Prairie Organic Spirit’s point of pride and differentiation: the brand distills each of its spirits with premium organic corn sourced from Midwestern family farmers that the brand personally knows. To create something authentically interesting to our Millennial audience, we added a jigger of modernity to the earnest tone of the Prairie Organic Spirits brand.


To emphasize the short distance from a family farm to the Prairie Organic distillery to happy hour, we use a split-screen technique to bring them together in a visually intriguing way.

With fresh brand assets in tow, we created the new, giving the world a glance inside the Midwestern brand that started the organic spirits movement more than a decade ago.


My role: Creative Director & Writer

Art Director: Aaron DeYoe