the challenge

The truth? Most people only think of their health when they’re sick versus when they’re well, which leads to higher costs and poorer outcomes. Harbor Health, an Austin, Texas-based healthcare startup, set out to reframe this thinking by inviting people who get, give and pay for health to co-create it. With a unique business plan, Harbor now needed an equally unique brand to invite people into this new way of living.

the solution

Rooted in the notion that “you are what you harbor,” we created a new brand and launch campaign that emphasized how flourishing (i.e., emotionally, physically and financially) begins within. When you choose Harbor, you live in terms of daily choices versus annual visits, co-creating health with experts every step of the way.

Brand Manifesto

Beginning with brand positioning, we developed a look, feel and voice for Harbor. The following manifesto is one component of many within the broader brand guidelines. It explains why we turned “harbor” from a noun into a verb while demonstrating the real, inviting and modern tone of the brand.


Harbor launched with two neighborhood clinic locations. We surrounded each with OOH placements meeting our audience with both urgency (get in today) and general brand messaging to raise awareness around our larger purpose of co-creating health. A fleet of cheery Sprinter vans complemented our efforts, which will eventually become mobile clinics.


In-Gym Placements

Co-creating health begins with a mindset of making healthy choices. As such, we headed to where people who get their daily steps and reps in hang out—the gym!—to introduce them to Harbor.



We developed a web site for Harbor’s soft launch, educating Austinites on what makes it unique, as well as the benefits of co-creating health. We also got into the nitty gritty, providing details on what kind of care they can get and where they can get it. As more clinics, providers and types of care are in the works, we’re developing 2.0 of this site.